Execution Context for Secure Credentials Storage

The execution context in SuiteCloud SDK controls the way authentication and credential management work. It is used by the SuiteCloud SDK tools to determine the following:

The environment variables set in your machine and the availability of secure storage are used to determine the execution context. You can set up one or more of the following environment variables (or none of them, if you want to use the default execution context).

The following table shows the conditions used to determine the execution context, and how each execution context works.

Execution Context



Browser-based context (default)

Secure storage is available.

None of these three environment variables is set: SUITECLOUD_FALLBACK_PASSKEY, SUITECLOUD_CI_PASSKEY, SUITECLOUD_CI.

  • Allows browser-based authentication.

  • This is the default execution context. It is meant to be used on a user machine.

  • Uses the credentials_browser_based.p12 credentials file.

  • Uses the auto-generated passkey stored in the machine's secure storage to unlock the credentials file. This passkey is automatically refreshed when the token changes.

  • Allows all other operations, except for machine-to-machine authentication.

Browser-based fallback context

Secure storage is unavailable.


  • Allows browser-based authentication.

  • This execution context is meant to be used when secure storage is unavailable on a user machine.

  • Uses the credentials_browser_based.p12 credentials file.

  • Uses the passkey defined in the SUITECLOUD_FALLBACK_PASSKEY environment variable to unlock the credentials file. This passkey is not automatically refreshed and must be manually updated.

  • Allows all other operations, except for machine-to-machine authentication.

Machine-to-machine authentication setup context


  • Allows machine-to-machine authentication.

  • This execution context can be used to set up and manage authentication IDs that will be used in a CI/CD environment.

  • Uses the credentials_ci.p12 credentials file.

  • Uses the passkey defined in the SUITECLOUD_CI_PASSKEY environment variable to unlock the credentials file. This passkey is not automatically refreshed and must be manually updated.

  • Only allows operations for management of authentication IDs.

Machine-to-machine context


  • Allows machine-to-machine authentication.

  • This execution context is meant to be used in a CI/CD environment.

  • Uses the credentials_ci.p12 credentials file.

  • Uses the passkey defined in the SUITECLOUD_CI_PASSKEY environment variable to unlock the credentials file. This passkey is not automatically refreshed and must be manually updated.

  • Allows all other operations, except for browser-based authentication.

If your setup does not match any of the conditions listed in the preceding table, it is considered to be in an invalid execution context.

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