Reloading Your Data to NetSuite Analytics Warehouse
Data transfers from NetSuite to the NetSuite Analytics Warehouse happen on a daily basis using an incremental update approach. This means that only the new data since the previous data transfer is uploaded. To maintain data consistency, especially when records are modified, you need to reload your data to NetSuite Analytics Warehouse. You can reload your standard fields data of your active functional areas as well as any custom and supplemental data you have transferred to NetSuite Analytics Warehouse.
Only users assigned the NetSuite Analytics Warehouse Administrator role can complete the following steps.
To reload the data in your active functional areas:
Go to the data transfer setup page. This is where you manage the data transfer process between your NetSuite account and the Analytics Warehouse. For more information, see Setting Up the Data Transfer.
Hover over the Reload button located at the top of the page.
Click Functional Area, and Reset. This action triggers the full transfer of data of all your standard fields in your active functional areas.

To reload your custom and supplemental fields data:
Go back to the data transfer setup page.
Hover over the Reload button located at the top of the page. Then, click Augmentations.
Select the custom and supplemental fields you want to reload.
Note:Use the search bar and filters to simplify the selection process, especially when dealing with extensive field lists.
To automate future custom and supplemental fields data reloads, activate the scheduler:
Click the Scheduler Status switch at the top of the page to activate it.
In the Interval field, determine the frequency of reloads: daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly.
In the fields below, specify the day and time for the scheduled reload, and for yearly intervals, select the month as well.
Hover over the Schedule and Reload now button, then choose Schedule to set up future reloads with the parameters specified in step 4 or Reload now to initiate an immediate data reload. This action prompts the full transfer of data of all the selected custom and supplemental fields.