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Objects Overview

This section describes input objects to web services operations. It also lists the methods that can be called on them.

The following objects are inputs to the AssetSet Operations:



Syntax for web services operations and client-code examples are provided in Java. The exact syntax you use will depend on the programming language in which you code your client program.

Regardless of the tool and language you use to generate the client, parameter names for required inputs and the order in which they are passed remain the same, and the output is always SOAP (simple object access protocol). The examples in this chapter were generated using the Apache Axis tool.

SearchState Objects

The SearchState object is an optional input to any of the AssetSet Operations defined in the AssetSet.wsdl file. Searchstate methods, which reside inside classes generated by your client program, create the SearchState object and instantiate and populate SearchState constraint objects.

SearchStates and the AssetSet operations apply to flex assets only. AssetSet operations accept either a SearchState or an IList as input, but not both.

The SearchState group comprises the following objects:

The SearchState object must be instantiated first because it contains the rest of the SearchState methods.


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