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An input to a SearchState object.


new StandardConstraint()
Constructor method that instantiates the StandardConstraint object and creates methods that can be called on it. In turn, the StandardConstraint object can be added to the SearchState object.

setBUCKET(java.lang.String BUCKET)
Sets the value for the BUCKET parameter. This method has a corresponding get method.

setTYPENAME(java.lang.String TYPENAME)
Sets the value for the TYPENAME parameter. This method has a corresponding get method.

setATTRIBUTE(java.lang.String ATTRIBUTE)
Sets the value for the ATTRIBUTE parameter. This method has a corresponding get method.

Sets the value for the IMMEDIATEONLY parameter. This method has a corresponding get method.

setLIST(com.divine.IList LIST)
Sets the value for the LIST parameter. This method has a corresponding get method.

Sets the value specified by the CASEINSENSITIVE parameter. This method has a corresponding get method.


BUCKET (optional)
Input parameter. The bucket name. If not specified, the attribute name is used.

TYPENAME (optional)
Input parameter. The internal asset name for the attribute (either CAttributes for content attribute, or PAttributes for product attribute). If you do not specify TYPENAME, a value is supplied from a property in the gator.ini property file: mwb.defaultattributes=PAttributes. The default is PAttributes and the value may be changed.

ATTRIBUTE (required)
Input parameter. Name of the attribute to constrain.

LIST (optional)
Input parameter. A list of the constrained values for the attribute. If specified, one or more of the values must match the attribute for a product to meet the constraint. The default is that all assets that have any value for the attribute match the constraint. The list has a single column called value.

Input parameter. A Boolean value: true indicates that the search is limited to values directly associated with the specified attribute; false (the default) extends the search to include values inherited from a parent.

Input parameter. A Boolean value: true indicates that the comparison is case-insensitive; false (the default) considers case in the comparison.


Associated methods set parameter values that populate the StandardConstraint object. The StandardConstraint object can be added to the SearchState object with one of the corresponding SearchState methods.


This code instantiates a StandardConstraint object and sets the TYPENAME and ATTRIBUTE parameters.

See Also

Methods for adding various constraint objects to a SearchState. These are available when you instantiate the SearchState object.





IList Objects

The IList object is an optional input to any of the AssetSet Operations defined in the AssetSet.wsdl file. Other supporting objects are inputs to the IList object. IList methods, which reside inside the IList class generated by your client program, are used to create support objects that populate the IList object.

ILists and the AssetSet Operations apply to flex assets only. AssetSet operations accept either an IList or a SearchState as input, but not both.

IList comprises the following objects:


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