Sandbox Refresh Notifications

An email notification is sent each time a sandbox refresh is ready for activation. This email is sent to all account administrators. It includes the sandbox account name and ID, the date the refresh was requested, the user who requested the refresh, the date of the production data used to refresh the sandbox, the number of refreshes used and remaining, and instructions on how to activate that sandbox account with the new copy.

You have 14 days to activate the new copy of your sandbox. You will receive a second notification after 12 days if you have not yet activated the account. If you do not activate the new copy of your sandbox account within the 14 days, it will be deleted and you will need to go through the sandbox refresh process again.

To activate the new copy of your sandbox, go to Setup > Company > Sandbox Accounts and select the Activate Sandbox button.


When you activate a refreshed sandbox, the new sandbox completely replaces the previous sandbox. The new sandbox contains a copy of your chosen source account data that is a snapshot taken at the time of the sandbox refresh request. Any changes to the target sandbox account during the refresh process are not included in the newly activated sandbox. Before you activate the new sandbox, you must save any sandbox customization changes that occurred after the refresh request. These changes must be saved outside of the sandbox account so that they are available to be added to the new sandbox after activation. Account administrators should formulate a strategy for saving these changes and adding them to the new sandbox, and inform users of the processes to be used. For more information, see Refreshing Sandbox Accounts.


If you do not activate the new copy of your sandbox and it is deleted, that refresh will still count against your total refreshes used.

Also be aware of the following information about sandbox refreshes:

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General Notices