Refresh Summary

The Refresh Summary section includes current details about the number of refreshes available and the current status of any refresh in progress.


For all Date fields, the time is formatted according to the current user’s Time Format preference, set at Home > Set Preferences.

Details include:

More About Sandbox Refresh Statuses

The following section lists the various refresh statuses that are displayed and describes what each status means.


If the Refresh Status field is blank, the sandbox refresh is taking longer than usual. However, it is still in progress and should complete soon.

  • Awaiting Processing: The refresh request has been submitted and will be processed in the order received.

  • Copy Data to Sandbox: This button only appears on the Sandbox Accounts page of newly provisioned sandboxes. Administrators can choose when to initiate the copy of data from the chosen source account to the sandbox. Click Copy Data to Sandbox to initiate the copy of data from the associated source account. The sandbox status will not change to online until the copy of data is completed. (After the initial data copy to the sandbox has completed, the Refresh Sandbox button is displayed on the Sandbox Accounts page.)

  • Delayed: On the Sandbox Accounts page, when the refresh status field displays Delayed, it indicates the refresh progress has stalled for some reason. When a sandbox refresh status is changed to Delayed, the Estimated Refresh Time field is blank. When the refresh resumes, the estimated refresh time is recalculated, and the new value is displayed in the Estimated Refresh Time field.

  • Refresh In Progress: The sandbox refresh is ongoing.

  • Refresh Failed: An error occurred during the refresh process. NetSuite Customer Support will intervene to help resolve the problem.


    When a refresh fails, a popup error message displays. This message includes an error ticket number that you can provide to NetSuite Customer Support to help them resolve the issue.

  • Pending Sandbox Activation: This status appears on the Sandbox Accounts page when a new sandbox copy is ready to be activated by the account administrator. To activate the new copy of the sandbox account, click Activate Sandbox.


    When you activate a refreshed sandbox, the new sandbox completely replaces the previous sandbox. The new sandbox contains a copy of account data that is a snapshot taken from your chosen source account at the time of the sandbox refresh request. Any changes to the target sandbox account made during the refresh process are not included in the newly activated sandbox. Before you activate the new sandbox, you must save any sandbox customization changes that occurred after the refresh request. These changes must be saved outside of the sandbox account so that they are available to be added to the new sandbox after activation. Account administrators should formulate a strategy to save these changes and add them to the new sandbox, and inform users of the processes to be used. For more information, see Refreshing Sandbox Accounts.

  • Complete: The sandbox refresh process is complete.


During the upgrade period for a new release of NetSuite, you should pay attention to your scheduled upgrade date. Do not request a sandbox refresh when the upgrade date is near. A refresh will fail if it does not complete before your scheduled upgrade begins. See Scheduled Version Upgrade Dates and Refresh Requests.

For details on how to request a refresh, see Refreshing Sandbox Accounts and Requesting a Refresh.

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