Switching to a Different Role
The role that you use determines the pages and records you can access in NetSuite. You may have multiple roles in NetSuite.
The upper-right corner of every NetSuite page displays your name and current role.

Hover your cursor over this area to reveal the Change Roles list.
Click this area to display the My Roles page.
To switch to a different role:
Locate your name and role in the upper-right corner of the NetSuite page.
Hover to open the Change Roles list.
A check mark indicates your current role.
Select the role you want to use.
If a company name is associated with the role, that information is shown. The source of the information is the Partner/Vendor column on the My Roles page.
Note:The Role section shows only roles available in the current account. If you are looking for a role in a different account, select the account in the Or switch to another account section to view the roles in that account. Sandbox accounts are indicated by an SB icon, and Release Preview accounts are indicated by an RP icon.
Opening the My Roles Page
On the My Roles page, you can switch to another role or another account. You can also hide a role from view, show all your hidden roles, and set a default role for the current account.
To open the My Roles page:
Click your name and role in the upper-right corner of any NetSuite page.
See the following topics for more information.
Hiding a Role
When you hide a role, you hide the role from your view only. You do not disable the role.
To hide a role:
Open the My Roles page. For more information, see Opening the My Roles Page.
In the row of the role you want to hide from view, hover over the More icon
on the right side of the page.
Select Hide. The role disappears from the Role list.
Note:If you hide your currently logged-in role, the role is not removed from the Role list. Instead, a Hidden icon
identifies the role as hidden.
To see your changes reflected in the Change Roles list, refresh your browser and open the Change Roles list.
Showing Hidden Roles
You can see any roles that you previously hid from view by clicking Show All in the upper-right corner of the My Roles page.
To show hidden roles:
Open the My Roles page. For more information, see Opening the My Roles Page.
Click Show All.
To show a role, hover over the More icon
and select Show.
To remove your hidden roles from view, click Show All again.
Specifying a Default Role
If you do not indicate a default role in an account, your browser history is used to log you in with the last role you used. However, if you want to specify a default role, you can do this on the My Roles page.
To set a default role in an account, first you select the account, then you select the role in that account that you want to make your default role.
Only one role in an account can be selected as the default role. However, you can set up a default role in each account you can access.
To specify a default role:
Open the My Roles page. For more information, see Opening the My Roles Page.
Note:The Roles section shows only the roles in your current account. To specify a default role in a different account, select that account in the Or switch to another account section. Then you can see the roles available in that account.
In the row of the role you want to make default, click the More icon
on the right side of the page.
Select Make Default. Your default role preference for this account is saved.