Recording an Assignment
To report data, report the location and work center you want to work in.
In most of the following steps, you can also scan or enter data into the scanner.
To record an assignment:
Log in to Manufacturing Mobile.
For more information, see Logging In and Out of Manufacturing Mobile.
Select a Location.
The Select Location screen displays the locations assigned to a static employee group that you have access to. A static employee group with an assigned location is considered a non-WIP work order work center.
Tap Enter Location.
Select a Work Center.
Tap Enter Work Center.
Select a Shift.
A shift represents the time boundary used to report data against.
Tap Enter Shift.
Enter the Date when you report the data.
By default, Manufacturing Mobile populates the date you record the assignment. You can enter a different date than the default date.
Tap Enter Date.
If the displayed assignments are correct, tap Confirm Assignment.
After you define your assignment details, you can prepare to report data.
Select one of the following Work Options:
To report data against a work order, tap Work Order. To proceed, see Selecting a Work Order.
To report data without reference to a work order, tap Standalone Assembly. To proceed, see Reporting Data for Standalone Assembly Items.
View Work Instructions
NetSuite enables you to view work instructions in the mobile scanner interface from multiple pages.
Before you can view work instructions, you must first complete the following prerequisites:
Install the Work Instructions and Traveler SuiteApp in your NetSuite account. For more information, see Installing Work Instructions and Traveler SuiteApp.
Configure Work Instructions for WIP Work Orders using the Manufacturing Routing feature. For more information, see Providing Additional Work Instructions in Work Order.
Enable the WOiT Work Instructions subtab and Work Instructions permissions for your Custom Mfg Mobile role, on the Custom Record subtab. For more information, see Reviewing Permissions Assigned to Roles.
To view work instructions:
Tap Manufacturing Mobile.
Select a Location.
Select a Work Center.
Enter a Shift.
Enter a Date.
To badge in, in the Work Options window, tap the Clock icon. You can badge in and out from multiple pages in the flow at any time.
Scan or enter your Badge Id.
Badges logged in are used to calculate labor time. Multiple Badges can be badged into a work center.
To report shop floor data on a work order, tap the Work Order icon.
Click the Work Instructions icon.
You can also view work instructions from other pages.
The Work Instructions page displays a list of instructions.
If a URL is displayed, it links to additional work instructions.