Uploading Files to the File Cabinet

You can upload a file by clicking the Documents tab, and then selecting a folder. NetSuite accepts all file formats in the File Cabinet. The File Cabinet shows the file extension and lists the file type. You can also upload files by clicking the Communications subtab on transaction records and relationship records. When you attach files to records, you are required to select or create a folder where the document can be stored in the File Cabinet.

If Use Employee Specific Expense Folders is enabled, expense file attachments automatically submit to a dedicated employee expenses folder, predefined by the system.

You can make the files available to all company users, even if the file is within a private folder or otherwise inaccessible to a specific group. Check the Company-Wide Usage box on the file record. For example, you may want to make images that will be used in advanced PDF/HTML template printing available to company users only. For more information, see Preferences on File Records.

All files uploaded to the File Cabinet are scanned for viruses and malicious content automatically. For more information, see Antivirus Scanning on File Cabinet Files.

To upload files to a File Cabinet folder:

  1. Click the Documents tab.

  2. In the right pane, click the name of the folder where you want to store files.

    If the Use Employee Specific Expense Folders feature is enabled, expense file attachments are automatically uploaded to a system-defined employee expenses folder.

  3. To upload one file from your computer, click Add File.

  4. To add a file from the internet, or to add a .zip file, click Advanced Add.

    1. To upload a .zip file, in the Zip Archive to Add field, click Choose File, and then find the file you want to upload to NetSuite. Click Open.

    2. In the Character Encoding field, choose the proper character encoding for the file.

    3. To upload a single file from the internet, in the URL field, enter URL path for the file location on the internet. Make sure the length of the URL does not exceed 250 characters.


      When a remote file that was added to the File Cabinet using a URL is modified, the File Content Hash field changes when you download this file or its parent folder from the File Cabinet. The value of the File Content Hash field also changes when NetSuite accesses the modified file through an internal process, such as a SuiteScript method call, or a SuiteFlow workflow step. This change is reflected in the system notes for that file. For more information, see File Cabinet Overview.

    4. Verify that the Destination Folder is where you want to upload the files.

    5. To automatically extract files into the Destination folder as they are uploaded, check the Unzip files box.

    6. (Optional) To make the files available on your website, check the Make all Files Available Without Login box. If files will not be published on your website, clear this box. Note that Make All Files Available Without Login takes precedence over Make All Files Available for Company-Wide Usage.


      Enabling the Files Available Without Login capability prevents broken images and links in your website. This box is checked by default in the Images folder and the Web Site Hosting Files folder.

    7. (Optional) To make the files available to all company users, check the Make All Files Available for Company-Wide Usage box.


      When the box is checked, files are also available for viewing in the Customer, Vendor or Partner Centers.

    8. To overwrite files that exist in the File Cabinet with the files in the .zip file, check the Overwrite Files with Same Name box. When the box is checked, files of the same name are automatically updated with the latest version you upload in this archive. When this box is cleared, files in the .zip archive that have the same path and name as existing files in File Cabinet are not extracted to the File Cabinet. The same rules apply to individual files uploaded using a URL path.

      Only users with the Administrator role and users with the Edit level permission or higher can overwrite files in the File Cabinet.


      This setting does not apply to locked files and folders that have been installed by a bundle. You cannot edit or overwrite locked files and folders installed by a bundle.

    9. To upload the.zip file, click Add.

To inactivate files being added using the Advanced Add form, check Make all Files Inactive. When you check this box, the file or files no longer appear on lists unless you check the Show Inactives box.


Users with the Billing Information permission can look up the amount of space the File Cabinet currently uses on the Billing Information page. Go to Setup > Company > View Billing Information. The Current Used Quantity column for File Cabinet Size (GB)** component shows the current amount of space used.

Additional Information:

Best Practices for Preparing Files for Upload to the File Cabinet

The following list contains best practices for preparing your files for upload to the File Cabinet:

  • When uploading files, include the file extension according to the file type. For example, PDF files must include the file extension, .pdf.

  • Work with files of 100 MB or smaller. Note that various factors may affect the time it takes to upload and download files greater than 100 MB, such as network speed, time-out settings, and overall space limitations.

  • Ensure the name of the file you upload is fewer than 99 characters including the file extension.

  • Ensure that any File Cabinet files containing URL links use account-specific domains. For more information, see the File Cabinet Traffic Health topic in Traffic Health.


Unless you have purchased additional storage space, each NetSuite account comes with 10 GB of total storage space.

For more information, see How much storage space do I have in my NetSuite account?

Unsupported Symbols in File Names

The following characters are not supported in file names uploaded to the File Cabinet. It is strongly advised that even if these characters are permissible by your operating system, you avoid using them as they can cause unexpected behavior when used on systems and browsers that do not support them. This is especially important when adding multiple files to a ZIP archive, as these files cannot be pre-validated.

Also note that zip files containing file names with international characters are supported only if they meet the following conditions:

  • The file names of the zip entries are encoded in UTF-8.

  • Special general purpose bit 11 (UTF-8 flag) is set according to APPENDIX D -Language Encoding (EFS)) paragraph D.1 and D.2 of the PKWARE official zip documentation.

When zipping your files, you should use a dedicated zipping application that supports these conditions.


The preceding information is applicable to the file names only, and is not related to the content of the zipped files.






forward slash


question mark


single left-pointing angle quotation mark


single right-pointing angle quotation mark






pipe (vertical bar)

quotation mark


percentage sign




number sign, hash

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