Bundle Details

You can view details about a bundle you have created or installed on the Bundle Details page, which is available from the Saved Bundles page and the Installed Bundles page. To view the Bundle Details page from one of these pages, click the bundle name link. To view the Installed Bundles page, go to Customization > SuiteBundler > Search & Install Bundles > List.

Bundle Details page for custom fields.

The Bundle Details page also displays when you select a bundle to install, for your review before the installation. In this case, this page does not include the Messages subtab.


When you try to view details about a bundle whose bundle source account is currently inactive, you will receive the following error message:

The details about bundle <bundle_ID> cannot be displayed because the bundle source account <bundle_source_account_ID> has been inactivated. Please contact the bundle owner.

To find out the bundle owner, go to Customization > SuiteBundler > Search & Install Bundles. Then, fill in the bundle ID to the KEYWORDS field and click Search. To identify the bundle owner, see COMPANY NAME in the results table.

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