Permissions Documentation

The following link provides access to a Microsoft Excel worksheet listing the usage of most NetSuite permissions. You can use this list to understand the implications of assigning a specific permission, or to find the permission required to provide access to a specific task or page. The spreadsheet format lets you search and sort fields in the manner most useful for you. Autofilters are provided for each column.

To access the worksheet, click this link: NetSuitePermissionsUsage.xls.

For information about standard roles and their associated permission levels, see Standard Roles Permissions Table. For information about permissions required to access specific NetSuite features, see Feature Permissions Documentation.


Most browsers will download this file in “Protected View” mode to your Downloads folder. If the Autofilters are not working, click the Enable Editing button on the yellow bar in the worksheet header.

The NetSuitePermissionsUsage.xls file includes the following columns:


This worksheet does not detail how different access levels affect each permission usage; it simply lists the minimum level required. Some permissions fit an access model where each successive level (view, create, edit, full) provides increased usage of the related record type, task, or page, as described in Access Levels for Permissions. Note that some permissions do not fit exactly into this model. For some permissions, only the minimum view level is required for usage, and other levels do not provide any additional capabilities. Generally, any user with at least VIEW access to a transaction type on the Transactions subtab, or to a record type on the Lists subtab, has the ability to print records of that type.

The worksheet lists some permissions multiple times because they provide access to multiple record types, tasks, and pages. Note that usages of some permissions may have dependencies on other permissions, and this spreadsheet does not include these dependencies.


The contents of NetSuitePermissionsUsage.xls are subject to change. Data is current as of the date listed in the worksheet footer. This worksheet provides information about how each permission works individually. However, since most roles include many different permissions, it is important to assess permission changes in the context of each role and to test permission changes to roles prior to deploying to users in your account.

For a list of permission IDs to use with SuiteScript, see Permission Names and IDs.

Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) is Required for Specific Permissions

Standard and customized roles with specific permissions assigned require 2FA. For more information, see Permissions Requiring Two-Factor Authentication (2FA).

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