Access Levels for Permissions
The following are general definitions of possible access levels for permissions.
NONE - User doesn’t have access to existing files. The user cannot create new, view existing, edit existing, or delete existing files. This access level makes the Restrict column in the Custom Record subtab invalid. For more information, see Setting Permissions.
VIEW -User has access to view existing files only. The user cannot create new, edit existing, or delete existing files.
CREATE -User can create new and view existing files. The user cannot edit or delete existing files.
EDIT -User has access to create new, view existing, and edit existing files. The user cannot delete existing files.
FULL -User has access to create new files and view, edit, and delete existing files.
Note that for some permissions, only the minimum view level is required for usage, and other levels do not provide any additional capabilities. In the model defined by the above access level definitions, each successive level (view, create, edit, full) of a permission provides increased usage of the related record type, task, or page, but the usage of some permissions does not fit exactly into this model. Generally, any user with at least VIEW access to a record type has the ability to print records of that type.
Related Topics
- NetSuite Permissions Overview
- Permissions and Restrictions
- Reviewing Permissions Assigned to Roles
- Permissions Documentation
- Core Administration Permissions
- Feature Permissions Documentation
- Using the Global Permissions Feature
- Giving Access to the Transactions Subtab on Entity Records
- Giving Access to Financial Statements
- Hiding Employee Information on Financial Reports
- Setting Permissions for Custom Records
- Permissions for Inbound Single Sign-on Methods