Understanding NetSuite Assistants

In NetSuite, assistants contain a series of steps that users must complete to accomplish a larger task. In some assistants, users must complete the steps sequentially. In others, steps are non-sequential, and they do not all have to be completed. In these assistants, steps are provided only as guidelines for actions users might want to take to complete a larger task.

The UI objects you use to construct your own assistant will encapsulate the look-and-feel of assistants already built in to NetSuite. For examples of these assistants, see these topics:

SuiteBundler Assistant

The SuiteBundler Assistant is another built-in NetSuite assistant. This assistant guides users through a set of steps in custom NetSuite solutions that are “bundled,” later to be deployed into other NetSuite accounts.


To access the SuiteBundler Assistant, go to Customization > SuiteBundler > Create Bundle.

This figure shows Step 1 (page 1) of the SuiteBundler Assistant. Steps are ordered sequentially and appear horizontally, directly below the title of the assistant.

All components called out in this figure can be built in a custom assistant.

The Bundle Builder page at the Bundle Basics step.


Assistant title


Steps positioned vertically


Fields in a field group


Splash screen

Import Assistant

The Import Assistant guides users through a set steps that allow them to import data into NetSuite.


To access the Import Assistant, go to Setup > Import/Export > Import CSV Records.

The following figure shows what an error message looks like in an assistant. Users cannot proceed to the next step until the error is resolved. When building custom assistants, you can also throw errors that prevent users from moving to the next step.

The Import Assistant page with an Import Type of Accounting selected.

General Notices