Sourcing and Filtering Examples

This topic provides some examples of how you can use the Source Filter by field to create dynamic custom fields.

Suppose that you want to link two transactions, such as a sales order and a subsequent credit memo. First, create a transaction custom field and add it to customer credit memos (using a custom form to limit it to the credit memo form only). For more information, see Creating Custom Fields by Type and Adding Custom Fields to Transaction Forms

On the transaction custom field record, set the following field values:

When you select a customer on the credit memo, NetSuite populates the new list field with transactions for that customer only.

The following example shows the setup for a new transaction body field called Associated Transaction that uses the setup criteria described previously. In addition, on the Applies To subtab, the Sale box is checked so that the new field appears only on Sale transaction types, such as credit memo.

Transaction Body Field record showing sourcing settings.

On the credit memo, the transactions associated with the selected customer are available in the new Associated Transaction field. All associated transactions for the customer are listed because no filtering criteria was defined.

Associated Transaction field showing list of transactions for a customer.

Now, suppose you want to create a similar field called Associated Sales Order on the same credit memo that lets you choose only a sales order from the available sales order for that customer.

Create the new field using the same setup that was used to create the previous Associated Transaction field. For this example, also include a filter to limit the list to include only transactions of a particular type (sales orders). When you create a new credit memo, and select a customer, the Associated Sales Order list is populated with only sales orders from that customer.

The following example shows the setup for a transaction body field called Associated Sales Order that uses the setup criteria described previously. In addition to the sourcing criteria, this example contains filtering criteria that includes only the Sales Order transaction type.

Fliter settings for Associated Sales Transaction field.

On the credit memo, only sales orders associated with the selected customer are available in the new field.

Associated Sales Transaction field on credit memo showing only sales orders for a customer.

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