Workflow Instance Search
Use a workflow instance search to get a list of workflow instances that completed or are currently in progress for a specific workflow definition or multiple workflow definitions. To obtain the list, run a search with the criteria for the workflow instances that you want to view. After you run the search, you can view the individual records on which each workflow instance runs.
You can use the following types of workflow instance search:
Basic. The basic search is the default search option when you search for a workflow instance. Use a basic search to perform a search based on a subset of the workflow instance properties. See Performing a Basic Workflow Instance Search.
Advanced. Use an advanced search to search on all workflow instance properties using the standard NetSuite search interface. You can enable advanced search on the Workflow Instance Search page. See Performing an Advanced Workflow Instance Search.
Optionally, you can export the results of a search as an Excel file or save the search as a saved search. You can also click Personalize Search to personalize the search form and only include the filters that a specific search requires. For more information, see Personalizing a Search Form.
The following screenshot shows the results of a workflow instance search:

The Current State column displays states for currently running workflows. If a workflow is not currently running, it does not display a current state.
Performing a Basic Workflow Instance Search
Use basic workflow instance search to perform a search based on a subset of the workflow instance properties. The following screenshot shows the workflow instance properties that you can use as criteria in a basic search:

To perform a basic workflow instance search:
Go to Reports > New Search.
On the Search page, click Workflow Instance.
On the Workflow Instance Search page, make sure Use Advanced Search is unchecked and enter the following search criteria.
Note:For the Workflow or Last State criteria, select any of or none of and then select the names to include in the search or exclude from the search.
For Date Entered Workflow, Date Entered State, and Date Exited Workflow, use the dropdown lists, Quick Filter, and calendar to select the date or date range. See Using Quick Filters For Date Range Selection.
Include or exclude any workflow currently in the NetSuite account. This list shows all workflows, including inactive workflows.
Last State
The last state entered for all instances of workflows in the Workflow list. For completed workflow instances, this list shows the exit state for the workflow instance.
The list shows the workflow name and then the last state name:
<workflow name> : <state name>
Select any of or none of and then select the state names to include in the search or exclude from the search.
Date Entered Workflow
The date that the workflow instance initiated.
Use the dropdown lists, Quick Filter, and calendar to select the date or date range.
Date Entered State
The date that the record in the workflow entered the most recent state in the workflow instance. For completed workflows, this is the exit state. For currently running workflows, this is the last state entered by the record in the workflow instance.
Date Exited Workflow
For completed workflow instances, the date that the record left the exit state.
Use the dropdown lists, Quick Filter, and calendar to select the date or date range.
Optionally, to customize the results page, click Personalize Search. See Personalizing a Search Form.
Optionally, to create a saved search from the search criteria entered on the page, click Create Saved Search.
NetSuite opens the search criteria on the Saved Workflow Search page. For more information about working with saved searches, see Defining a Saved Search.
To perform the results and display the results in NetSuite, click Submit. NetSuite displays the search results. You can click Record to view the individual record or export the search results.
To perform the search and then export the results and view them as a comma-separated file, click Export > Export Data Only.
Using Quick Filters For Date Range Selection
When you select a date range for search criteria in a workflow instance search, use Quick Filters to select a date range and auto-populate the To and From range fields on the search form or add fields to the date range.
The following screenshot shows Quick Filters for a date range:

Use the following features to select a date range:
Click and highlight one or more of the Day, Week, Month, Quarter, and Year filters.
NetSuite filters the Available Selectors list to include only the selectors for the filters you select. If you select multiple filters, the Available Filters list shows selectors that apply to all of the filters.
Click the star icon next to any selector to add the selector to the Favorites list.
Select Custom to add time fields to the search criteria.
Select Relative to include items from a specific number of seconds, hours, days, quarters, or years in the past or the future as search criteria.
Performing an Advanced Workflow Instance Search
Use an advanced search to perform a search based on any workflow instance property, including fields specific to the record for the workflow instance, buttons added with the Add Button action, custom fields, and workflow history fields. An advanced search uses the standard NetSuite search interface to search for workflows.
The following screenshot shows the advanced workflow instance search interface:

To perform an advanced workflow instance search:
Go to Reports > New Search.
On the Search page, click Workflow Instance.
On the Workflow Instance Search page, check the Use Advanced Search box.
Optionally, on the Criteria tab, enable Use Expressions to use NOT, AND, OR, and parentheses in the search filters.
On the Criteria tab, define the standard and summary search filters:
Select results based on the value of individual workflow instance values.
For more information, see Defining Standard Search Filters.
Select results based on calculated summary property values for a group of workflow instances; this filter is available only if you defined a summary type for a field on the Results tab.
For more information, see Summary Search Filters.
On the Results tab, set the sort values for the search results and the search results fields to display, define summary types for results fields, and additional search result options.
For more information, see Search Results Display Options.
Optionally, to customize the results page, click Personalize Search. See Personalizing a Search Form.
Optionally, to create a saved search from the search criteria entered on the page, click Create Saved Search.
NetSuite opens the search criteria on the Saved Workflow Search page. For more information about working with saved searches, see Defining a Saved Search.
To perform the results and display the results in NetSuite, click Submit. NetSuite displays the search results. Click Record to view the individual record or export the search results.
To perform the search and then export the results and view them as a comma-separated file, click Export > Export Data Only.