Adding Persistent Matrix Columns to Financial Statements
For reports other than financial statements, the only method for adding matrix columns to reports is to select from the Column list in the report footer. For details, see Adding Matrix Columns to Reports. Matrix columns added through this method apply only to the current report, so you need to repeat the selection each time you run the report.
On the Financial Report Builder Edit Columns page, the View Columns By list enables you to select a dimension to be used for matrix columns that persist whenever a custom financial statement is run. Total is the default dimension.

The data for the selected dimension can be displayed in separate columns for each dimension value or in a hierarchical manner with child values grouped under parent values within the same columns. To display data hierarchically, select a (Hierarchy) option in the View Columns By list. In NetSuite OneWorld, avoid selecting values related to time from the View Columns By list for reports that use the Subsidiary Context of Subsidiary (Consolidated).

You need both the Financial Statements permission and the Report Customization permission to customize reports in the Financial Report Builder. If you do not have necessary permissions, contact your account administrator. See Giving Access to Financial Statements for more information.