Enhanced Sales Forms


If you are a NetSuite Administrator, ensure you upgrade your account with the latest form layout enhancements. The enhanced forms of the Enhanced Sales Center include updates to field groups, subtabs, and sublists. For information about deploying the form layout enhancements, see Deploying Upgraded Forms.

The default leads, prospects, opportunities, customers, and partners forms display all information in two columns.

The subtabs on sales forms expand to show sections instead of tabs. Sections limit the number of clicks required to get to a specific field or information.


You must change the Expand Tabs on Entry Forms preference to Yes to activate this enhancement. For more information, see Setting Up Appearance Preferences.

The forms in the Enhanced Sales Center are locked, but you can customize them when you create copies that you can edit. You can place your custom fields anywhere in the custom form. You can also customize the roles provided by the SuiteApp to control access to your customized form. For more information, see Custom Forms.

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