Payment Receipts
When customers make a payment or deposit, you can send a payment receipt to them as verification.
Payment receipts show:
Company information (name, logo, address, phone number, URL)
Customer name
Payment or deposit amount
Transactions the payment is applied against
Amount applied to each transaction
Payment receipts can be printed, faxed, or sent by email to customers.
To generate a payment receipt when you record a payment or deposit
Give your customer a receipt by clicking Save & Print or Save & Email when you record or edit a customer deposit.
Record a customer deposit at Customers > Accounts Receivable > Record Customer Deposits.
Record a customer payment by going to Customers > Accounts Receivable > Accept Customer Payments.

To generate a payment receipt when you view a payment or deposit
Print a customer receipt by clicking the Print icon. On the Communication subtab, you can email or Fax the receipt. See Entering Communication Information to a Transaction.
View a deposit by going to Customers > Accounts Receivable > Record Customer Deposits > List. Click View next to the deposit.
View a customer payment by going to Customers > Accounts Receivable > Accept Customer Payments > List. Click View next to the payment.
To create customized payment receipts
You can also customize the format of payment receipts to display or hide specific information by going to Customization > Forms > Transaction Forms (Administrator), and customizing the following transaction forms:
Standard Customer Deposit
Standard Customer Payment
For more information, see Custom Forms.
Related Topics:
- Accepting Customer Payments Workflow Chart
- Applying a Payment on the Customer Payment Page
- Applying a Payment on an Invoice
- Correcting Payments to Invoices
- Entering Payment Information on a Transaction
- Removing Credits from Deleted Customer Payments
- Reversing or Deleting Customer Payments
- Approving Customer Payments
- Managing Undeposited Customer Payments
- Consolidated Payments
- Creating a Payment Method
- Handling Returned/NSF Checks
- Allowing Customers to Pay Online