Entering Payment Information on a Transaction

Most transactions require you to enter the payment information on the Payment (or Payment Method) subtab. You can find the Payment subtab by clicking the Billing subtab.

To enter a payment method and other payment details on a sales transaction:

  1. If you are entering a sales order or a cash sale, click the Billing subtab.

    If you are entering a customer payment or a customer deposit, click the Payment Method subtab.

  2. In the Payment Method field, choose the method of payment.

  3. If the payment method you have selected is a credit card payment method, see Entering a Credit Card Payment on a Transaction.

  4. If the payment is by check, enter the check number in the Check field.

    The Check field might show on the top of the page for some transactions.

  5. If you have entered all the information for the transaction, click Save.

Entering a Credit Card Payment on a Transaction

You can enter credit card payments on the Payment subtab of a transaction. Some of the fields on this subtab might not show. This depends on the transaction type and features enabled in your NetSuite account.

To enter a credit card payment:

  1. In the Credit Card Select field, select the type of credit card.

  2. Enter the credit card number, expiration date, and Issue No.

    Enter other credit card details if required.

  3. Enter the Name on Card, Card Street, Card Zip Code, and Customer Code (if this information required by the payment gateway).

  4. Select a payment processing profile in the Payment Processing Profile field.

  5. Check the Get Authorization box to use NetSuite to send the appropriate request to the payment gateway.

  6. If you have received approval for this transaction outside of NetSuite, for example by contacting the payment gateway back office, check the Credit Card Approved box.

  7. Set AVS Street Match or AVS Zip Match to Y to use the Address Verification System.

    Set these fields to Y if you do not use NetSuite to process credit cards,

  8. If you use a Cybersource payment processing profile, check the Ignore AVS box if you want NetSuite to store the order even if an AVS failure happens.

  9. To process this payment as a purchase card payment, check the Send Line-Level Data (previously known as Process as Purchase Card) box.

    You can check this box to process the payment as a purchase card payment even if the used card is not a purchase card.

    Contact your NetSuite account representative for more information.

  10. If you are entering a recurring payment for the customer, check the Recurring Payment box. For more information, see Maintaining Recurring Credit Card Payments.

  11. If you have finished working with the transaction, click Save.

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