Tracking Time on Relationship Records

You can track time and view reports for the amount of time spent working for or with leads, prospects or customers.

To track time, an administrator must go to Setup > Company > Enable Features. In the Employees subtab, click the Time Tracking for CRM box. With Time Tracking for CRM, you can track time on tasks, phone calls, events, and cases.

Tracking time on activities per customer can help you manage your company's time and bill time back to customers. For more information, see Billing Costs to Customers.

To track time on relationship records:

  1. On the lead, prospect or customer record, click the Financial subtab.

  2. Under the Financial subtab, click the Time Tracking subtab.


    If any case, task, or event record has more than 9500 time entries displayed, all records display a static list of time entries. You cannot edit entries directly from the list.

  3. Click New Time.

  4. Under Primary Information:

    Your name appears in the Employee field. Depending on your role access, you can select another employee if you are entering time for someone else.

    1. In the Date field, enter the date for this time entry.

    2. In the Duration field, enter, time or calculate the amount of time this employee worked on this call in hours.

    3. If the time is tracked for a project task, select the project task in the Task field.

    4. In the Service Item column, select the service item associated with this call.

    5. Ensure that the Billable box is checked if you want to be able to bill this time to the customer.

      Now you can bill this customer for this time on the Billable Time subtab of invoice transactions.

    6. Check the Utilized box if this time is not considered utilized time spent toward completing a project task.

    7. Check the Productive box if this time is spent toward completing a project task.

    8. Check the Exempt box if this time is not considered for utilization calculation.

    9. In the Payroll Item field, select the payroll item to pay this employee for this time entry.

    10. In the Memo field, write a brief description about what this employee did during this time.

  5. Under Classification, if you track departments, locations or classes, select the corresponding information for this time.

  6. Click Save.

  7. Repeat this process to track time for additional employees.

  8. When you finishd entering information for this record, click Save.

Employees still need to enter their time in the Employee Center. However, you can view their time spent per customer at Reports > Time & Billables > Time by Customer > Detail.

All employee names are listed on the Time subtab, by default. Administrators can control which names show for certain roles in this list by going to Setup > Users & Roles > Manage Roles.

To restrict employees to enter time for only themselves or their subordinates:

  1. Go to Setup > Users/Roles > User Management > Manage Roles.

  2. Click Customize next to the role you want to restrict.

  3. Create a new name for the restricted role.

  4. In the Employee Restrictions field, select one of the following:

    • none -no default – Employees can select any employee in lists. Employees can select any other employee to track time for.

    • none -default to self – Employees can select any employee in lists. Employees can select any other employee to track time for, but the Employee field defaults to the person entering the time.

    • own, subordinates, and unassigned – Employees can select either their own name, the names of their subordinates, or unassigned employees.

      Employees are considered your subordinate if you are selected as their supervisor on employee records. Unassigned employees have no supervisor assigned.

    • own and subordinates only – Employees can select either their own name or the names of their subordinates.

      Employees are considered your subordinate if you are selected in the Supervisor field on employee records.

  5. Click Save.

  6. Repeat these steps for each role you want to restrict from being able to enter time for every employee.

Now, go to Lists > Employees > Employees. Reassign your employees the new custom role.

For customized roles, the list of employees on the Time subtab only includes that employee's name and the name of that employee's subordinates. The Time subtab appears on the event, task, phone call, and case records.

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