
You can create competitor records to track how other businesses in your industry impact your sales.

If you use NetSuite or NetCRM and the Opportunities feature, a competitor saved to an opportunity record lets everyone working with that opportunity know the competition. By being aware of the strengths and weaknesses of the competition, sales representatives can make educated offers and close more deals. For information, see Opportunity Records.

To create a competitor record:

  1. Go to Lists > Relationships > Competitors > New.

  2. Under Primary Information:

    1. In the Competitor field, enter the name of the competing company.

    2. Enter the website address of the competitor's web page.

    3. In the Description field, enter information describing this company.

  3. Under Strengths and Weaknesses:

    1. In the Strengths field, you can make notes on this company's strengths.

    2. In the Weaknesses field, you can make notes on areas where this competitor is lacking.

  4. Under Strategy, Products, and Services:

    1. In the Strategy field, enter a plan of action for sales representatives to follow to keep a customer from being lost to this competitor.

    2. In the Products/Services field, enter information about the products or services offered by this competitor.

  5. On the Files list, you can select and add files from the File Cabinet that related to this competitor.

  6. Click Save.

You can now select this competitor on the Relationships subtab of opportunity records for deals where you are competing with this company.

After you save the record, you can see the opportunities this competitor has won on the Opportunities Won subtab of the competitor record.

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