Overassignment and Adjustment Reps
If you allow contribution percentages to exceed 100%, you must create adjustment sales reps for each sales team. Adjustment sales reps ensure that sales reports show proper totals.
Overassignment lets you permit sales reps to count the full transaction amount when you calculate quota, commission, or sales forecast. This is true even if other sales reps were involved.
Before you create an adjustment rep record, you must create an adjustment rep sales role. For more info, see Creating a Sales Role.
To create an adjustment sales rep record:
Go to Setup > Sales & Marketing Automation > Sales Preferences.
Check the Allow Overassignment in Sales Team box.
At the bottom of the page, enter a name for the adjustment rep.
You should name your adjustment reps to clearly identify the sales manager or supervisor they were created for. For example, AdjustmentRep_Linda Smith.
In the Sales Role field, select Adjustment Rep.
Select the sales manager or supervisor whose sales totals you want this adjustment rep to correct.
Click Add.
Now, you can add this adjustment rep to a sales team.
To add an adjustment rep to a sales team:
Open the sales team group record at Setup > Sales > Sales Management > Sales Teams.
On the Members subtab, select the adjustment rep for the team's supervisor or manager in the Name column.
In the Sales Role column, select the adjustment rep for this team's manager or supervisor.
In the Contribution % column next to the adjustment rep, enter the percentage amount that exceeds the total 100% contributed by the other sales team members.
Click Add.
Click Save.
Adjustment reps appear on the sales team on sales reports and KPIs.