Team Selling
The Team Selling feature lets you associate sales transactions and customers with sales teams comprised of various employees. In addition to sales reps and managers, sales teams can include engineers, account managers and other employees who aid in the sales process.
You can use sales territories to route new leads, prospects, and customers to sales teams for assignment. For more information, see Sales Territories.
To enable the Team Selling feature, go to Setup > Company > Enable Features > CRM. Check the Team Selling box, and then click Save.
When you enable Team Selling, NetSuite:
Replaces the Sales Rep field on sales transactions and on customer records with a Sales Team subtab
Replaces the Sales Rep box on employee records with a Sales Role field
Assigns existing employees marked as sales reps the Sales Rep sales role
Adds a Select Sales Team Members option to the Create Group page
Provides the Sales by Sales Team Summary and Detail and the Sales Orders by Sales Team Summary and Detail reports
Groups sales reports that organize data by sales rep by sales team, by default
In addition, the Team Selling feature affects existing transactions and customers in the following ways:
Existing customers or sales transactions associated with a single sales rep display the rep on the Sales Team subtab for the customer or transaction. NetSuite marks this rep as the primary sales rep.
Existing customers or sales transactions associated with a sales group (created prior to Team Selling) display those group members on the Sales Team subtab. NetSuite defaults no primary sales rep.
If you stop using the Team Selling feature, NetSuite maintains the sales team data for transactions entered when you used the feature. This ensures that commission payments and quota calculation remain accurate.
If you change the sales rep on one of these transactions, NetSuite omits the team selling information and updates commission data with changed rep.