Campaign Offers

Use campaign offers to create groups of marketing campaigns where you assign individual campaigns to a particular offer. Campaign offers let you create reports that provide the combined revenue or activity of a group, rather than individual campaign performance. Users with the Marketing Administrator or Administrator role can create campaign offers. You can assign only one campaign offer to a marketing campaign.

To create a Campaign Offer:

  1. Go to Setup > Sales & Marketing Automation > Campaign Offers > New

  2. Enter a name for the offer.

  3. Enter a short description. This appears on the list page of campaign offers.

  4. Click Save.

To assign an offer to a particular marketing campaign, go to Lists > Marketing > Marketing Campaigns. Open the campaign record in edit mode and select the offer from the Offer list in the Related Information section.

Using Campaign Offers to Track Multiple Campaign Revenues

Wolfe Electronics run several marketing campaigns throughout the year that qualify for financial support from the manufacturers they promote. Wolfe uses campaign offers to track the results of these campaigns so they can claim a rebate from the manufacturer. They create a transaction saved search that groups together campaign revenues that are associated with a particular campaign offer.

To create a grouped campaign offer transaction search:

  1. Go to Reports > New Search > Transaction.

  2. Click the Results subtab.

  3. From the Field list, select Lead Source Fields....

  4. From the Lead Source Field list, select Offer.

  5. In the Summary Type column, select Group, and click Add.

  6. In the Summary Type column, select Amount (Gross) and summary type, Sum. Click Add.

    These selections give you a consolidated revenue for each campaign offer.

  7. Click the Create Saved Search button.

  8. Enter Campaign Offer Consolidated Revenue in the Search Title field.

  9. Click Preview to test the results of your newly created search.

  10. Click Return to Criteria.

  11. Set any search visibility options, for example Public.

  12. Click Save.

The newly created search generates a report similar to the following:

An example of a Campaign Offer Consolodated Revenue: Results report.

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