Email Marketing Campaigns

The integrated marketing tools in NetSuite enable you to create and track all aspects of your email campaigns. You can measure return on investment and determine which email campaigns produce the most leads. You can also view reports of how many recipients are receiving your offers.

Unlike other campaign channels, campaign email is created and sent by NetSuite at the time and date you set on campaign records.

You can create email marketing campaigns to be sent a set date and time. You can also set up lead nurturing email campaigns that are sent according to criteria you set. For information about lead nurturing campaigns, see Lead Nurturing Campaigns.

You can also use email campaigns to send and track email newsletters. Using campaigns enables you to track how readers respond to your newsletters. For more information, see Sending Newsletters Through Email Campaigns.

NetSuite generates campaign email from HTML templates you create. You can personalize these templates to include the name, address, and other information specific to the customer or contact receiving the email.

Before you create your first email campaign, complete the following tasks:

  1. Review Optimizing Email Campaigns for information about how you can ensure the best results from your email campaigns.

  2. Set up your campaign email domain. For more information, see Campaign Email Domains.

  3. Set up domain key identified mail (DKIM). For more information, see DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM).

  4. Set your Marketing Preferences.

  5. Send the customers, contacts, and other recipients subscription email to allow them to opt in to your campaigns. For information, see Subscription Management.

After you complete these five tasks, you are ready to create email campaigns.

To create an email marketing campaign:

  1. Create an email marketing template. For more information, see Email Marketing Templates.

  2. Create a group of recipients. For more information, see Working with Records, Transactions, and Lists.

  3. Create a campaign record. For more information, see Creating a Campaign Record.

  4. Execute your campaign events. For more information, see Initiating Campaign Events.

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