Email Approval Log Fields

The email approval log record contains the following fields:




Primary Information

Date Created

The date and time the email reply is logged in the system.

Approval Status

The current status for the email approval log record.


Automatically checked when the approver gatekeeper approves the email approval log record.

Email Response

Email Approver

The approver who sent the email reply.

Email Approval Action

Either Approve or Reject.

Email Address

The email address on record for the approver.


(Optional) The comments entered by the approver gatekeeper.

Document Information

Record ID

Reference record’s internal ID.


Subsidiary of the reference record.

Record Type

Type of the reference record for approval.

Document Number

Document number of the reference record.

Approval Information

Next Approvers

If any, the employee or employees next to approve the record based on the running rule.

Reject Reason

Reason for rejection by the log approver.

Delegated Approvers

Lists delegate approvers for the next approvers, if any.

Approval History Based on the Email Approval Log Rule

Lists log details for the reference record, with the most recent at the top.

Related Topics

General Notices