Subsidiary or Company Information in SuiteTax
The Subsidiary page (or Company Information page for accounts that are not OneWorld) contains multiple fields used for different tax registrations of the subsidiary, some for direct tax purposes (corporate or personal income) and some for indirect tax purposes (sales tax, GST/PST, VAT).
In SuiteTax, the tax registration numbers for indirect tax purposes are consolidated on the Tax Registrations subtab. The Tax Registrations subtab replaces the Nexuses subtab on subsidiary records when you enable the SuiteTax feature.
The following table shows the changes on the Nexuses/Tax Registrations subtab when you enable SuiteTax.
Legacy Tax |
SuiteTax |
Migration to SuiteTax |
Field Name |
Field ID |
Field Name |
Field ID |
Nexuses (nexus) subtab |
Tax Registrations (taxregistration) subtab |
Changed the subtab name and ID. |
— |
— |
— |
id |
Added hidden field for tax registration ID. |
Country |
country |
Country |
nexuscountry |
Changed field ID, retained value. |
Nexus |
nexusid |
Nexus |
nexus |
Changed field ID, retained value. |
— |
— |
Tax Agency |
taxagency |
Added to the form. Value is obtained from the Tax Agency field on the nexus record. |
— |
— |
Tax Reg. Number |
t |
Added to the form. If the nexus country matches the subsidiary country, this field is set to the value from the legacy tax registration number field in the header. Otherwise, this field is set to blank. |
— |
— |
Tax Engine |
taxengine |
Added to the form and set to blank. To complete the SuiteTax migration process, you must select a tax engine for tax registrations on migrated subsidiary records. For more information, see Selecting a Tax Engine for Tax Registrations on Subsidiary Records. |
— |
— |
Effective From |
effectivefrom |
Added to the form. The effective date of tax registration for a subsidiary (Effective From) is set to the oldest date of the subsidiary's transactions regardless of taxability of transaction types. If there are no transactions for the subsidiary, the effective date is set to the one month before the migration of the journal transaction for all tax registrations under a given subsidiary. The effective date can be changed. |
— |
— |
Valid Until |
validuntil |
Added to the form and set to blank. |
— |
— |
Tax-Exempt |
istaxexempt |
Added to the form and set to blank. To complete the SuiteTax migration process, you must either select a tax engine or check the tax exempt checkbox for tax registrations on migrated subsidiary records. For more information, see Selecting a Tax Engine for Tax Registrations on Subsidiary Records. |
Header |
OSS Applies |
mossapplies |
OSS Applies |
mossapplies |
Retained but no longer used in SuiteTax. In SuiteTax, the tax engine can use a different solution for the OSS schema. |
OSS Nexus |
mossnexus |
OSS Nexus |
mossnexus |
Retained but no longer used in SuiteTax. In SuiteTax, the tax engine can use a different solution for the OSS schema. |
After the migration to SuiteTax, most of the fields for direct tax registrations are removed from the header of the Subsidiary or Company Information page. Some fields for Canada and Australia are retained but are not used in any tax-related process. The following table shows the changes to the direct tax registration fields on the Subsidiary or Company Information page in SuiteTax.
NetSuite Edition/Feature |
Field Name |
Field ID |
Migration to SuiteTax |
OneWorld |
US |
Employer Identification Number (EIN) |
federalidnumber |
Removed from form. |
SSN or TIN (Social Security Number, Tax ID Number) |
ssnortin |
Removed from form. |
CA |
Business Number |
federalidnumber |
Retained but not used in any tax-related process. |
AU |
federalidnumber |
Removed from form. |
state1taxnumber |
Retained but not used in any tax-related process. |
UK |
VAT Registration No. |
federalidnumber |
Removed from form. |
International |
VAT Registration No. |
federalidnumber |
Removed from form. |
JP |
Employer Identification Number (EIN) |
federalidnumber |
Removed from form. |
SSN or TIN (Social Security Number, Tax ID Number) (available in edit mode) |
ssnortin |
Removed from form. |
ACN (available in edit mode) |
state1taxnumber |
Removed from form. |
Accounts without OneWorld |
US |
Employer Identification Number (EIN) |
employerid |
Removed from form. |
SSN or TIN (Social Security Number, Tax ID Number) |
taxid |
Removed from form. |
CA |
Employee Identification Number (EIN) |
employerid |
Retained but not used in any tax-related process. When SuiteTax is enabled, the label is changed to Business Number. |
AU |
employerid |
Removed from form. |
state1taxnumber |
Retained but not used in any tax-related process. |
JP |
Employer Identification Number (EIN) |
employerid |
Removed from form. |
SSN or TIN (Social Security Number, Tax ID Number) (available in edit mode) |
taxid |
Removed from form. |
ACN (available in edit mode) |
state1taxnumber |
Removed from form. |
UK |
VAT Registration No. |
employerid |
Removed from form. |
International |
VAT Registration No. |
employerid |
Removed from form. |