Viewing Electronic Bank Payment Files
To view payment files, go to Payments > Payment Processing > Payment File Administration. On the Payment File Administration: Results page, you can view the list of existing payment file records.
In the File Reference column, click the payment file link to open and view the file in a new window.
If you want to download or update the file, click the View link for the record. On the Payment File Administration page, click the download or Edit link, located beside the payment file link, in the File Reference field.
On the Multicurrency Payment subtab, you can view the transactions successfully processed for electronic bank payment. If you have the Multiple Currencies feature enabled, you can see an additional column that displays the currency of each payment transaction.
For more information about payment files, see Viewing Electronic Bank Payment Details.
Understanding Payment File Statuses
On the Payment File Administration page, view the latest payment file status in the File Processed? field. Refer to the following list of payment file statuses:
Processed – This status indicates that the payment file has been successfully generated or has completed processing. In the Summary field, you can view the total number of processed transactions. The payment file is displayed in the File Reference field.
Processed with Errors – Payment files created with unprocessed transactions or those with errors are set to this status. If available, the payment file is displayed in the File Reference field.
Failed – This status is displayed when the payment file has not been generated successfully due to errors encountered while processing the payment transactions or creating the file.
If a payment file is created, you can view the processing details in the Status Summary field.
If no payment file is created, view the error details in the Processing Errors field. You can also view the logs by going to Customization > Scripting > Script Execution Logs. For more information about logs, see Viewing a List of Script Execution Logs.
You can recreate payment files for PFA records with or without errors. For instructions, see Recreating Electronic Bank Payment Files.
Payment files are set to the following statuses, if a process is in progress:
While processing is in progress, click Refresh to update and display the latest status. In the Last Process Initiated field, you can view the current process being done on the payment file.
Re-queued -The payment file has undergone a process and is placed back in the queue for further processing.
Queued – Payment files submitted for processing are initially set to this status.
Marking Payments for Processing – This status is displayed when payment transactions are being marked for electronic bank payment.
Creating Payment File – This status indicates that a payment file is in the process of being created or recreated.
Processing Payments – This status indicates that a process on the payment file is in progress.
Processing Reversals -This status is displayed when payment transactions are currently being reversed.
Processing Notifications – This status is displayed when email notifications are being sent out.
Updating Batch -This status is displayed when payment batches are currently being updated. This is for company bank accounts with Process Bills Automatically enabled.
Deleting Payment File – This status is displayed while a PFA record is being deleted. You can delete payment files with no dependent transactions and records.
Removing Unprocessed Transactions -This status is displayed when all unprocessed transactions are currently being removed or unlinked from the PFA record. The Unprocessed Transactions subtab is removed from the record.
In the Status Summary section, you can view the following processing details:
Transactions for processing – While a payment file is queued, the total number of transactions to be included in the process are displayed in this field.
Marked Transactions – This field displays the total number of transactions that have been marked for electronic bank payment. It is first displayed when a payment file is on Marking Payments for Processing status.
Excluded Transactions – This field displays the total number of transactions excluded for electronic bank payment. When generating payment file for SEPA Direct Debit, payment transactions associated with an entity bank that has Final Payment Date are not included in the payment file creation.