Rejecting and Canceling Fulfillment Requests

When fulfilling shipping orders from a fulfillment request, you might encounter problems with inventory that prevent you from fulfilling the order or part of the order. In the order fulfillment workflow, such inventory problems are called “exceptions”. To record these exceptions on a fulfillment request properly for shipping orders, you reject the lines in the fulfillment request.


The fulfillment request type for shipping orders is Ship; the fulfillment request type for store pickup orders is Store Pickup.

You can reject lines in a fulfillment request provided the items have not yet been picked. If you reject all lines in a fulfillment request, the fulfillment request status is set to Rejected. If you reject only some lines the fulfillment request status remains In Progress. After you fulfill the remaining lines, the fulfillment request status is Fulfilled with Exceptions.

If the fulfillment request is for a store pickup order (the fulfillment request type is Store Pickup), enter a fulfillment exception instead of rejecting the lines. See Fulfillment Exceptions for Store Pickup Orders for more information.

To reject all unpicked lines in a fulfillment request:

  1. Go to Transactions > Order Management > Manage Fulfillment Requests.

  2. Click View next to the fulfillment request record in which you want to reject lines.

  3. Click Reject Unpicked Lines to reject all lines which have not yet been picked.

  4. Click Yes to confirm the rejected line items and quantities.

    If you rejected all requested lines in the fulfillment request, the status is set to Rejected and the record becomes read only. If you only rejected some of the lines (because you already started to fulfill other lines in the request), the status of the fulfillment request remains In Progress until the line items are shipped.

You can also reject an individual line in a fulfillment request without having to reject all unpicked lines. The following two conditions must be met to reject a line:

To reject an individual line, edit the fulfillment request you want to work with, and then enter the rejected quantity of the line in the Rejected column. The Rejected column must have the same value as the Quantity column.

To cancel a fulfillment request:

  1. Go to Transactions > Order Management > Manage Fulfillment Requests.

  2. Click View next to the fulfillment request record you want to cancel.

  3. Click Cancel Request.

    After you cancel a fulfillment request, you can no longer change it.


    You can also cancel a fulfillment request when editing the fulfillment request record. To do so, in the Status field, select Cancelled and then click Save.

Rejected Fulfillment Requests +Automatic Location Assignment

When the Automatic Location Assignment feature is enabled in your account, you can configure NetSuite to assign fulfillment locations to sales order lines and then create fulfillment requests automatically. When you reject a fulfillment request or a line in a fulfillment request, however, the system performs several actions depending on how automatic location assignment is configured.

Firstly, automatic location assignment is suspended on the item record for the fulfillment request location. Specifically, on the item record, the Automatic Loc. Assignment Suspended attribute is checked for the location. This means that the automatic location assignment engine will not assign the same location to new sales orders until the box is cleared.

To resume the automatic creation of fulfillment requests for an item at a location, clear the Auto Loc. Assignment Suspended on the item record. See Configuring Items for Automatic Location Assignment for more information.

Secondly, if automatic location assignment is configured to run when fulfillment requests are rejected, the automatic location assignment engine will run again on the sales order to assign another location to the line. The Automatic Loc. Assignment Suspended attribute on the item ensures that the same location is not assigned to the line. If the engine assigns another location, a new fulfillment request is created for the other location. See Managing Automation Settings for Automatic Location Assignment about configuring automatic location assignment.


If you create a fulfillment request manually on a sales order, it is possible to create it for a location at which automatic location assignment is suspended.

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