
Newsletter lets you manage the email subscription status of website visitors, allowing them to sign up to an established email marketing campaign.

SuiteCommerce validates the email address entered in the newsletter subscription form against any existing NetSuite Customer or Lead records with a matching address. For each newsletter subscriber, SuiteCommerce updates the NetSuite Customer record for existing customers or creates a new Lead record for new users.


This is an email subscription opt-in feature only. It is not a marketing campaign or content management tool. After users opt in, it is the merchant’s responsibility to manage subscriptions for each Lead or Customer record. See Subscription Management for details.

For detailed information about creating and managing an email marketing campaign using NetSuite, see Email Marketing Campaigns.

The Newsletter feature is available as a SuiteCommerce extension SuiteApp. SuiteCommerce Newsletter Sign Up lets you add a newsletter subscription form to your website using Site Management Tools.

SuiteCommerce Advanced Implementations

For Aconcagua release of SuiteCommerce Advanced, the Newsletter feature can be implemented as an extension or in the site template as part of the source code. If you choose to implement the Newsletter feature as an extension, you must disable the newsletter form in the source code. See Disable the Newsletter Form.

For the Kilimanjaro Release of SuiteCommerce Advanced and earlier, the Newsletter feature is implemented in the site template as part of the core source code. See Newsletter Sign Up Using Core SCA Source Code.

Email Subscription Overview

When a user signs up for a newsletter and enters an email address, SuiteCommerce checks for any existing Customer or Lead records in NetSuite that contain a matching address.

If the address already exists within a Customer or Lead record, SuiteCommerce checks the value of the Global Subscription Status field.


The preferred record is the Customer record. If both a Customer record and a Lead record contain a matching address, SuiteCommerce only updates the Customer record. SuiteCommerce updates matching Lead records only if no Customer records are returned.

The values that can be set in the Global Subscription Status field are the following:

  • Soft Opt-In (globalSubscriptionStatus =1)

  • Soft Opt-Out (globalSubscriptionStatus =2)

  • Confirmed Opt-In (globalSubscriptionStatus =3)

  • Confirmed Opt-Out (globalSubscriptionStatus =4)

For more information about the subscription statuses, see Subscription Management.

Depending on the value of the Global Subscription Status field, SuiteCommerce proceeds as follows:

  • If the value is Soft Opt-In, no change is made to the Customer or Lead record. A message informs the user that they are already subscribed to the newsletter.

  • If the value is Soft Opt-Out, SuiteCommerce changes the Global Subscription Status value in the Customer or Lead record to soft opt-in. A message informs the user that they have signed up for the newsletter.

  • If the value is Confirmed Opt-In, no change is made to the Customer or Lead record. A message informs the user that they are already subscribed to the newsletter.

  • If the value is Confirmed Opt-Out, no change is made to the Customer or Lead record. A message informs the user that they can not sign up for the newsletter.


If no Customer or Lead records with a matching address exist, SuiteCommerce creates a new Lead record and sets the Global Subscription Status field to Soft Opt-In. SuiteCommerce then uses the generic lead name and company name set up in SuiteCommerce Configuration field to populate the record’s required Name or Company Name fields. The website then displays a message informing the user that they have signed up for the newsletter.

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