Setting Display Order of All Custom Segments

You can specify the display order of custom segments in the body and lines on transactions, on other records, and on the GL Impact page, if the custom segment has GL impact. This display order reflects the priority and dependencies of custom segments.

The Display Order subtab lists all active custom segments in display order.

Display Order subtab listing active custom segments in display order.

By default, the current segment is selected in the list. When you create a new custom segment, the name is listed as -Segment currently being created - until you enter a name in the Label field. To change the display order of custom segments while in Edit mode, drag the list items to the appropriate locations, or click the Move To Top and Move To Bottom buttons.

On the Custom Segments list page, numbers in the Display Order column show the segment display order.

Custom Segments page highlighting numbered display order.

The default display order is based on the order in which segments were created. As new segments are created, they are added to the end of the display order unless you change it. If you check Show Inactives on the list page, inactive custom segments appear at the bottom of the list because they have no display order.

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