Apply to Kit or Assembly Components Setting for Custom Segments and Transaction Line Custom Fields
You can configure kit or assembly custom segments or transaction line custom fields to copy values from sales order items to fulfillment items.
Custom Segments
You can configure the kit or assembly custom segment column field to copy values from sales order items to fulfillment items.
To configure the custom segment column field on items with kit or assembly components:
Go to Customization > Lists, Records, & Fields > Custom Segments.
Click the Application and Sourcing subtab. Then click the Transaction Columns subtab.
To have kit or assembly segments copy values from sales orders to related item fulfillments, check the Kit/Assembly Components box.
Transaction Line Custom Field
You can configure the kit or assembly transaction line custom field to copy values from sales order items to fulfillment items.
To configure the transaction line custom field on items with kit or assembly components:
Go to Customization > Lists, Records, & Fields > Transaction Column Fields.
Click the Applies To subtab
To have kit or assembly transaction line fields copy values from sales orders to related item fulfillments, check the Apply to Kit/Assembly Components box.
Kit and Assembly Components Behavior
The following table describes the behavior of the Kit/Assembly Components box for custom segment columns and the Apply to Kit/Assembly Components box for transaction line custom fields.
Behavior |
Kit/Assembly Component box or Apply to Kit/Assembly Components box Checked |
Kit/Assembly Component box or Apply to Kit/Assembly Components box Cleared |
Field is visible on item sublist |
Yes* |
Yes* |
Field value is saved on item sublist |
Yes |
No |
Field value is carried over from transformed record (sales order to item fulfillment) |
Yes |
No |
Can override segment of line field when kit component items are visible |
Yes (can override) |
No (cannot override) |
*Even if the Apply to Kit/Assembly Component box is used to hide the field, the kit or assembly field is available on the record through SuiteScript
*You can configure whether the field or segment is visible on the item fulfillment lines of the form. To make the field or segment visible, check the Item Fulfillment box on the Transaction Columns subtab of the Application & Sourcing subtab. You can override the Item Fulfillment setting of the custom field or custom segment on the Custom Form definition page where the fields and segments are listed.
Example of Overriding the Value of a Segment of Field on a Line with an Assembly Component
In the following example, for the Inventory and Child terms, you can override the original values in the Kitlinefield and the Kitsegment columns.

Example of Kit and Assembly Values Being Copied to the Item Fulfillment
The following example shows kit and assembly custom segment columns or transaction line custom field values (S01 and S02) that have been copied from the sales order to the item fulfillment. The values are copied based on the configuration of the Kit/Assembly Components box on the custom segment definition page or the Apply to Kit/Assembly Components box on the transaction line custom field definition page.

Related Topics
- Custom Segment Creation
- Custom Segment Types
- Creating a Custom Segment
- Configuring GL Impact for a Custom Segment
- Filtering for a Custom Segment
- Dynamic Default Value Sourcing for Custom Segments
- Validation and Static Default Values for Custom Segments
- User Permissions for a Custom Segment
- Dependent Segments
- Setting Display Order of All Custom Segments