Structuring SOAP Requests to Include Authentication Details

If your chosen authentication method is user credentials, the SOAP web services platform supports two approaches for structuring your SOAP requests. These approaches are described in the following table.

For token-based authentication, you must use request-level credentials.


For more information about token-based authentication, see Token-Based Authentication Details.


Valid with


Login operation

  • Authentication through user credentials

This approach initiates a session that is governed by timeout and user limits. For details, see Login and ssoLogin Operations.

Request-level credentials

  • Authentication through user credentials

  • Token-based authentication


As of the 2020.2 SOAP web services endpoint, authentication through request-level credentials is not supported. The Passport complex type is not supported. If you attempt to authenticate through request-level credentials in SOAP web services 2020.2 and later endpoints, the web services request is not processed, and an error message is returned. You must ensure that SOAP web services integrations created with 2020.2 and later SOAP web services endpoints use TBA. Authentication through user credentials continues to be supported in integrations that use SOAP web services 2020.1 and earlier endpoints. For more information, see Token-based Authentication and Web Services.

You can send credentials in the SOAP header of every request. This approach initiates a stateless form of SOAP web services communication in which the login operation is not invoked and certain timeouts do not apply. For details, see Request-Level Credentials.

For information about using the TokenPassport complex type with token-based authentication, see TokenPassport Complex Type and Updating a SOAP Web Services Integration to Send Token-Based Authentication Details.

Login and ssoLogin Operations


As of the 2020.2 SOAP web services endpoint, authentication through request-level credentials is not supported. The Passport complex type is not supported. If you attempt to authenticate through request-level credentials in SOAP web services 2020.2 and later endpoints, the web services request is not processed, and an error message is returned. You must ensure that SOAP web services integrations created with 2020.2 and later SOAP web services endpoints use TBA. Authentication through user credentials continues to be supported in integrations that use SOAP web services 2020.1 and earlier endpoints. For more information, see Token-based Authentication and Web Services.

Request-Level Credentials


As of the 2020.2 SOAP web services endpoint, authentication through request-level credentials is not supported. The Passport complex type is not supported. If you attempt to authenticate through request-level credentials in SOAP web services 2020.2 and later endpoints, the web services request is not processed, and an error message is returned. You must ensure that SOAP web services integrations created with 2020.2 and later SOAP web services endpoints use TBA. Authentication through user credentials continues to be supported in integrations that use SOAP web services 2020.1 and earlier endpoints. For more information, see Token-based Authentication and Web Services.

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