Using the Login Audit Trail

The Login Audit Trail is a specialized search that helps keep track of account users, when they have logged in, and from where.

By using the Login Audit Trail search, you can also find out details about why a SOAP web services request failed to authenticate.

To define an advanced Login Audit Trail search to see details of SOAP web services login requests:

  1. Go to Setup > Users/Roles > User Management > View Login Audit Trail.

  2. Check the Use Advanced Search box.

  3. Click the Results subtab to define the columns that are displayed in the search results. To view more verbose information about login attempts, add the Detail result field.

  4. Click Submit to run the search and display the results.

The Detail column in the search results contains more information about the login attempts, and provides information about the reason for the authentication failure.

The following messages indicate some of the most common issues:

For more information about defining Login Audit Trail searches, see Login Audit Trail Overview.

For more information about error messages displayed in the Login Audit Trail, see TBA-Related Error Messages in the Login Audit Trail.

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