Action and Transitions Status

The workflow execution log shows the results of each action or transition.

If an action or transition uses a server trigger that occurs before the trigger on which the workflow enters the state, the action or transition does not run and does not appear in the log. For example, an Add Button action uses a Before Record Load trigger. If the workflow enters the state on a Before Record Submit trigger, the workflow does not process the Add Button action.

The following table lists the results that may be shown in the log for each action or transition:




Indicates that the action or transition completed successfully.


Indicates that the action or transition did not complete. The log lists the reason for failure. The workflow skips subsequent actions for the specific server trigger.

If you run the workflow again, the same actions will attempt to process, and may fail again.


One of the following events occurred:

  • A non-critical error occurred to prevent an action or transition from executing, but this error did not stop the execution of subsequent workflow actions or transitions.

  • The action is not supported by the trigger on which the record entered or exited the state. For example, if a record enters a state on a Before Record Load trigger and you set the trigger for a Send Email action as Entry, the Send Email action is skipped. Use the Trigger On field to view supported triggers for the Send Email action. For more information, see Skipped Actions.

For skipped actions, the log also includes a Warning for any errors associated with the action.


One of the following occurred:

  • A condition created with the Condition Builder or a custom formula on an action or transition evaluated to false.

  • The action or transition includes a saved search as a condition, and the record was not returned by the saved search.

  • The record was set to transition after another workflow completed or after another workflow exited a state. However, the other workflow had not completed or the other workflow had not finished with the specified state.

In addition, for each action or transition, the workflow execution log includes the properties for the action or transition. You can use the action or transition properties to help troubleshoot the workflow execution.

The following screenshot shows the log for a failed Create Record action:

A portion of the log for a failed Create Record action.

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