Bulk Updating Customer Records for Dunning


NetSuite recommends that you use the bulk update feature outside of your normal business hours. This is to ensure that other users in your company are not updating customer records during the bulk update process.

You can use the bulk update feature provided by the Dunning Letters SuiteApp to update the custom fields for dunning on customer records. The bulk update applies the changes to all customer records.

If you are using a OneWorld account, the updates will apply to all customer records with dunning procedures associated with the selected subsidiary.


When you click Update on the Bulk Update Customer Records for Dunning page, the system shows a message asking if you are sure you want to proceed with the bulk update. If you click OK on the message, the bulk update will start, and it cannot be reversed.

In non-OneWorld accounts, only one bulk update at a time can be performed.

In OneWorld accounts, the system prevents you from performing a bulk update if a bulk update is already in progress for the same subsidiary.

To perform a bulk update of dunning fields on customer records:

  1. Go to Dunning > Setup > Bulk Update Customer Records.

  2. If you are using a OneWorld account, select the subsidiary to which you want to apply the bulk update.

  3. Select values for the following bulk update fields:

    • Allow Letters to be Emailed

    • Allow Letters to be Printed

    • Do Not Send Letters to Customer Email

    For each bulk update field, the following values are available:

    • Unchanged – Select this value if you want to retain the current value on the customer records.

    • Checked – Select this value if you want to check the box on all customer records that belong to the selected subsidiary.

    • Not Checked -Select this value if you want to clear the box on all customer records that belong to the selected subsidiary.

  4. Click Update.

    You will receive an email notification after the bulk update has been completed.

    The email notification indicates the number of customer records that were updated. If the email notification shows that not all records were updated, the likely cause is a validation error. The system will not update a record if doing so will break a validation rule.

    Following are the validation rules:

    • On the Bulk Update Customer Records for Dunning page, the following bulk update fields cannot both be set to Not Checked:

      • Allow Letters to be Emailed

      • Allow Letters to be Printed

    • A customer record cannot be updated with the Allow Letters to be Emailed box checked if the Email field of the customer record is blank or the Dunning Recipient subtab does not have at least one contact.

    • A customer record cannot be updated with the Do Not Send Letters to Customer Email box checked if the Dunning Recipient subtab of customer record does not have at least one contact.

    • A customer record cannot be updated with the Do Not Send Letters to Customer Email box not checked if the Email field is blank.

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