Specifying Dunning Delivery Methods
Dunning delivery methods are defined on the Dunning subtab of the customer or invoice record. And on summary section of the invoice group record.
Check one or both of the following:
Allow Letters to be Printed – Check this box to enable the system to generate PDF letters that you can print for sending to the customer by post for customer level or invoice level dunning.
Allow Dunning Letters to be Printed-Check this box to enable the system to generate PDF letters that you can print for sending to the customer by post for invoice group level dunning.
Allow Letters to be Emailed – Check this box to enable the system to send dunning letters by email to the customer for customer level or invoice level dunning.
Allow Dunning Letters to be Emailed – Check this box to enable the system to send dunning letters by email to the customer for invoice group level dunning.
If the dunning procedure assigned to the customer, invoice or invoice group has the Sending Schedule field set to Automatic, the system sends letters by email automatically according to the dunning evaluation results.
If the dunning procedure assigned to the customer, invoice or invoice group has the Sending Schedule field set to Manual, use the Dunning Email Sending Queue to manually email the letters.
See also: