Sending Dunning Letters Manually

To manually send dunning letters by email, use the Dunning Email Sending Queue on the Dunning dashboard.

When the dunning evaluation runs, the dunning letters that are ready for sending are shown in the Dunning Email Sending Queue, if the following conditions exist:

Dunning letters remain in the queue until the email is sent, or until you remove the record from the queue.

To manually send dunning letters by email:

  1. Go to Setup > Dunning > Dunning Email Sending Queue.

  2. On the Dunning Email Sending Queue page, you can search for the dunning letters you want to send by email. Use any of the following filters to make the search more specific or to narrow down the results to be displayed.




    Select the customer to whom the dunning letters you want to send are addressed.


    Select the subsidiary of the customers to whom the letters you want to send are addressed.

    Dunning Procedure

    Select the dunning procedure used for the letters you want to send.

    Dunning Level

    Select the dunning level used for the letters you want to send.

    Apply To

    Select either customer, invoice or invoice group dunning.

    Last Letter Sent Start Date

    Enter the date when all letters last sent on that date and later will be displayed.

    Last Letter Sent End Date

    Enter the date when all letters last sent on that date and earlier will be displayed.

    Evaluation Start Date

    Enter the date when all letters whose dunning evaluation started on that date and later will be displayed.

    Evaluation End Date

    Enter the date when all letters whose dunning evaluation started on that date and earlier will be displayed.

    If you do not select any value in the filters, all dunning letters that are ready for sending are displayed in the list.

    Click Search to display the dunning letters that you want to send by email.

  3. Use the Pagination Options to navigate to the search results page you want to view, or control the number of letters displayed per page.



    Page No.

    Select the page number to display.

    Letters Per Page

    Select the number of letters to display per page.

    The options on this field are dependent on the number of search results.

    Total Pages

    Indicates the total number of pages that display the letters.

    Total Letters in Queue

    Indicates the total number of letters in queue.

  4. Check the boxes of the dunning letters that you want to send. Click Mark All to select all records displayed. Click Unmark All to clear all boxes.

  5. Click Send. After sending, the system removes the sent letters from the queue and adds them to the Recently Sent/Printed Dunning Letters portlet on the Dunning dashboard.

If you want to remove a letter from the queue without sending it, check its box and click Remove. On the Dunning Evaluation Results page, the status of the letter is set to Removed.


You will not be able to send or print the dunning letters that you removed. This action cannot be undone.

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