Transaction-Specific Exchange Rates
If a user can define transaction-specific exchange rates for the accounting book on a transaction, you can use the conversion rate for the accounting book to perform the conversion.
The following screenshot shows the Exchange Rate on the Accounting Books subtab of a Cash Sale transaction:

Use the following example code to find the exchange rate by accessing the exchange through the Record object:
function customizeGlImpact(transactionRecord, standardLines, customLines, book)
var amountToAdd = 20; // Amount in Primary book's currency
if (!book.isPrimary()) // Amount is in Primary book's currency, convert only for non-primary books
var bookId = book.getId();
for (var line = 1; line <= transactionRecord.getLineItemCount('accountingbookdetail'); line++)
if (bookId == transactionRecord.getLineItemValue('accountingbookdetail','bookid',line))
var rate = transactionRecord.getLineItemValue('accountingbookdetail','exchangerate',line);
amountToAdd = amountToAdd * rate;
var newLine = customLines.addNewLine();