Bulk Project Task Reassignment

A preference is available on the Project Resource Role record that enables project resources to reassign task records in bulk. The preference is enabled by default for the Project Manager resource role.

Bulk task reassignment is available only for task assignments. If you use Resource Allocations, you cannot reassign project task allocations using bulk project task reassignment. For more information on using project task allocations, see Assigning Resources with Allocations

To enable the bulk project task reassignment preference:

  1. Go to Setup > Accounting > Project Resource Roles.

  2. Click Edit next to the role you want to update.

  3. Check the Allow Replacing Task Assignments in Bulk box.

  4. Click Save.

After the preference is enabled, Project Manager or anyone else who is allocated to the project can use this feature. Reassigning tasks is available on the Resource Detail subtab of project records in View mode.

To reassign a project task in bulk:

  1. Go to Lists > Relationships > Projects.

  2. Click View next to the project with tasks that you want to reassign.

  3. Click Resources.

  4. Click Resource Details.

  5. Click the clipboard icon icon_reassigntasks next to the task you want to reassign to open the Reassign Tasks popup. A list of tasks to be reassigned appears.


    Only resources assigned to tasks for this project have the clipboard icon in the Reassign Tasks column.

  6. In the Resource field, select a new resource to assign selected tasks. Generic resources and resources allocated to this project are available for task reassignment.


    When reassigning a task that has multiple resources, you cannot bulk assign tasks to a resource already listed on the task. For example, if you are reassigning all of Joe’s tasks to Jane, any tasks with both Joe and Jane already assigned will remain untouched.

  7. You can check the Update Task Properties box to also make bulk updates to some properties for this resource.


    If you check the Update Task Properties box, you must fill in all additional fields. Leaving fields blank will remove any current values set for those fields on the individual tasks.

    1. In the Unit Cost field, enter a new unit cost for this resource.

    2. In the Service Item field, select a new service item for this resource.

    3. In the Unit Price field, enter a new unit price for this resource.

  8. Check the Apply box next to each task you want to reassign.

  9. When you have finished, click Process.

Reassigning project tasks in bulk can be a valuable tool for streamlining project management when combined with project templates and generic resources.

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