Common Errors With Intercompany Journal Entries

When you are working with intercompany journal entry records, you may see following failure messages in your SOAP responses.

This record already exists

This error indicates that you attempted to add an intercompany journal entry using an external ID that is already in use. External IDs must be unique across record groups. For information about working with external IDs, see External IDs Overview.

Invalid account reference key x for linesubsidiary y

This error signifies a problem with one of your lines. Specifically, it indicates that you used an account that is not valid for the subsidiary identified by the lineSubsidiary field. Make sure that you use an account that belongs to the subsidiary you identified.

Invalid account reference key x for linesubsidiary null

This error signifies a problem with one of your lines. Specifically, it indicates that you failed to include a value for the lineSubsidiary field. Make sure that you indicate a subsidiary in your request.

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