Blank Transition Trigger
The trigger type for the Trigger On property of a transition determines when the transition executes.
Leave the transition trigger blank in the following situations:
You want to use a button to transition to another state. See Using Buttons to Execute Transitions.
You want a child workflow or child workflow state to complete before the transition executes. See Specifying States for Child Workflow Transitions.
You want the transition to execute immediately, based on a condition or the results of a saved search.
Blank Transition Trigger Example
You can leave the Trigger On property of a transition blank if you want a transition to only execute if specific condition evaluates to true, and not on any specific server trigger.
In the following transition, if the estimated cost of a travel request exceeds the amount that the current approver is allowed, the record transitions from the Evaluate Approval Limit state to the Next Approver state. With a blank transition trigger, NetSuite evaluates the condition and executes the transition accordingly.

The Evaluate Approval Limit state also includes another transition in case the amount of the travel request can be approved by the Current Approver.