Defining a Condition with the Condition Builder

Use the Condition Builder to define a condition using record field value comparisons. Access the Condition Builder from the Condition field in the workflow, action, or transition definition.

Condition Builder Components

Each condition you define with the Condition Builder consists of three separate components:

  1. Target value for the comparison (left side of the condition). Use the left Record (optional) and Field columns to identify the field to be compared.

  2. The comparison operator.

  3. Value used to compare against the target value (right side of the condition). You cannot, in a single condition, combine multiple values from the different columns to compare them against the target value. If you want to use multiple value columns in a single condition, combine the conditions with expressions. For more information, see Complex conditions.

A screen capture of the Condition Builder.

In the below table you can find the detailed description of each of the Condition Builder components:

Column Name


Use Expressions

Select this option to create more complex conditions. See Complex conditions.


Leave this column blank if you want to use a field from the base record of the workflow.

Select a record type to use to source a field value in a join from the workflow's current base record.

You can also select the Old Record option. This will make the comparison against the current, unsaved version of the workflow's base record instance.


Select a field from the base workflow record or joined record to use in the condition.

Compare Type

The comparison operator. The types of operators available depend on the field values to be compared.


Use when you want to compare the Field value against a static value. Enter the value against which the Field, will be evaluated using the Compare Type operator.

This option is disabled if the value selected in the Field or Compare Type columns do not support static comparisons.


Use this column to compare the selected Field value against multiple values by opening the Select Multiple icon.

This option is disabled if the value selected in the Field or Compare Type columns do not support multi-select comparisons.


Use this column if you want to include fields from a joined record in the condition. Select the record type from the list of records that can be joined with the base record for the workflow.

You can also select the Old Record option. This will make the comparison against the current, unsaved version of the workflow's base record instance.

Value Field

Name of the field from the workflow base record or the join record that you want to compare to the Field column to the far left of the table.

This option is disabled if the selected Compare Type does not support field comparisons.

To create a condition with the Condition Builder:

  1. Open the workflow definition, action, or transition definition.

  2. Visual Builder is selected by default. Click the Open icon to open the Condition Builder.

    A portion of the workflow definition page with the Open icon highlighted.
  3. Enter your condition criteria. For more information, see Condition Builder Components.

  4. Click Add.

  5. Click Save to save the condition and return to the workflow, action, or transition definition.

Complex conditions

Select the Condition Builder's Use Expressions to add columns to the Condition Builder table that can be used to combine rows to create complex conditions:

Column Name



Select to prefix the expression with the NOT operator. For example, Not (Total Amount < 50000.00).


Prepend and append opening and closing parentheses to the expression.


Choose the logical operator that will connect each condition in the in the table.

Related Topics

General Notices