Understanding the Context for Changes

When viewing data about records, you can view the context for each change. The context describes how the change was made. For example, users and external systems can perform updates through the user interface, web services, SuiteScript, and a variety of other methods. Each method is considered a context. For a full list of contexts, see Available Context Values.

You can view context data in any of the following ways:


Context was introduced in Version 2014 Releases 2. Prior to this release, context data was not collected. For that reason, it is not possible to show the context for changes made before your account was upgraded to Version 2014 Release 2.

Available Context Values

The following table summarizes possible context values.


For further details about how the system assigns context values, see Usage Notes.


Change Initiated Through

Corresponding Help Topic

Bulk Processing

Any of the pages in the user interface that let you mark multiple records for simultaneous processing. Such pages include the Authorize Commissions page (at Transactions > Commissions > Authorize Employee Commissions) and the Mark Work Orders Built page (at Transactions > Manufacturing > Mark Work Orders Built).

Campaign Response

A campaign response

Tracking Campaign Responses


The CSV Import Assistant

CSV Imports Overview

Mass Update

The utility at Lists > Mass Update > Mass Updates

Mass Updates


The mobile interface. However, not all changes initiated through the mobile interface have this context label. For details, see Some Contexts Occur Within Other Contexts.

Scheduled Workflow

A workflow configured to run at a specific time or interval.

See also Workflow.

Initiating a Workflow on a Schedule

Script (Client)

A script that runs in the browser

SuiteScript 2.x Client Script Type

Script (Mass Update)

A script that initiates a Mass Update

SuiteScript 2.x Mass Update Script Type

Script (Portlet)

A script rendered in the NetSuite dashboard

SuiteScript 2.x Portlet Script Type

Script (RESTlet)

A script invoked by an HTTP request to a system-generated URL

SuiteScript 2.x RESTlet Script Type

Script (Scheduled)

A script configured to run at a specific time or interval

SuiteScript 2.x Scheduled Script Type

Script (SSP Application)

A script implemented using the SuiteScript Server Pages feature

SSP Application Overview

Script (Suitelet)

A script that operates in a request-response model using extensions of the SuiteScript API

SuiteScript 2.x Suitelet Script Type

Script (User Event)

A script triggered by an action performed on a record

SuiteScript 2.x User Event Script Type

Script (Workflow Action)

A script invoked as a custom action from a workflow state

SuiteScript 2.x Workflow Action Script Type


The user interface. However, not all changes initiated through the user interface have this context label. For details, see Some Contexts Occur Within Other Contexts.

SOAP Web Services

A SOAP web services request

SuiteTalk SOAP Web Services Platform Overview

Web Store

A SuiteCommerce website

Commerce Product Overview


A SuiteFlow workflow that occurs asynchronously. Examples include workflows initiated by SuiteScript and workflows invoked because they are subscribed to other records.

If a workflow is triggered synchronously, by an event, the resulting changes generally share the same context as the triggering event. For examples, see Related Changes May Share a Single Context.

Changes made by scheduled workflows have a context of Scheduled Workflow.

Subscribe To Record Action

Usage Notes

Be aware of the following conditions.

Some Contexts Occur Within Other Contexts

The list of available context values includes some contexts that occur within other contexts. For example, one context is UI, but other contexts are specific parts of the UI. In these cases, the system uses the more specific label. For example:

Related Changes May Share a Single Context

Note that if one change triggers another change, generally the system lists the same context for both changes, even if they occurred in different ways. The context listed is the context for the change that triggered the series of events.

The reason for this behavior is as follows: The system does not save a context value for each discrete field change. Rather, the system logs a context value for each operation, such as each save operation, which may include many field changes. However, a System Notes record is created for each field change, and each field change must list a context value. For this reason, if one change directly triggers a sequence of events resulting in subsequent changes, the system lists the same context for all changes.

The following hypothetical cases illustrate this concept:

Related Topics

General Notices