Encrypted Custom Field Stored Values

As of 2014.1, a Use Encrypted Format option is available for new custom field definitions with specific text types. When Use Encrypted Format is enabled, field values are encrypted in the database. (Values are still displayed in the user interface.)


After you save a custom field definition, the Use Encrypted Format setting cannot be changed.

When you specify that a field be encrypted, any value in the encrypted field displays as ENCRYPTED in all accounts except the account where the value was first created.

The encrypted format option is not supported for Transaction Item Option, Suitelet, Workflow, or Workflow State custom field definitions. For custom field definitions where it is supported, the encryption format option is always disabled by default.

You can encrypt the following text types:

For all other text types, the Use Encrypted Format box is unavailable.

Be aware of the following precautions for fields with encrypted stored values:

For security reasons, system notes for fields with encrypted stored values mask old and new field values, displaying asterisks only.

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