Setting Up the On Load Action for New Columns

Through mobile configuration or customization, you can add or edit the mobile action for the On Load Action of your custom columns.

The instructions in this topic continue from either of the following procedures:

To set up the On Load Action for new columns:

  1. On the Mobile -Action page, in the Name field, enter a unique name for the mobile action.

  2. In the Type field, select Saved Search or Restlet, and then fill out their corresponding fields:

    • For Saved Search actions, in the Saved Search field, select the saved search that returns the columns you want to set up.

    • For Restlet actions, set values in the following fields: HTTP Method, Script ID, and Deployment ID.

      For more information, see Configuring Pages and Actions for Custom Mobile Processes.

  3. For saved search actions, if you want to set a column as a filter, on the Input Parameters subtab, do the following:

    1. Click New Mobile – Input Parameter.

    2. On the Mobile -Input Parameter page, enter values in the following fields:

      • Name – Enter a unique name for the input parameter.

      • Key – Enter the key, from the saved search or RESTlet response, associated with the column.

        To display the list of keys from a saved search, click Show Saved Search Columns. You can copy a response key that appears to the left of the colon.

      • Value – Enter the value of the key.

        To view the possible values associated with the key, you can preview the results of your saved search.

      For example, to set up the transaction ID as a filter, you can enter tranid for the key and 21007 for its value. On your mobile device, only the row that has a transaction or internal ID of 21007 appears on the table.

  4. To set the other fields for the mobile action, see Customizing Mobile Actions.

  5. Click Save.

After you set up the new columns, you can define your merge criteria. For instructions, see Defining Merge Criteria for New Columns.

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