Setting Up Decryption Configuration Records

You can create new Decryption Configuration records to decrypt payment files downloaded from bank server or any other encrypted files. You must have an Administrator role or Set Up role to configure the records.

To setup Decryption Configuration record:

  1. Go to SFTP > SFTP Records > Decryption Configurations.

  2. In the Name field, enter the name of the decryption record.

  3. In the Folder ID -Files to Decrypt field, enter the ID of the folder that contains the files for decryption.

  4. In the Folder ID – Files to Store field, enter the ID of the folder that stores the decrypted files.

  5. In the Decryption Method list, select the required decryption method.

    Currently NetSuite supports only Node-Forge decryption method.

  6. In the Key Value field, enter the key value provided by your bank.

  7. In the IV Value field, enter the IV value provided by your bank.

  8. Click Save.

Guidelines for Creating a Decryption Configuration Record

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