Setting Up Inbound Configuration Records
You can create new inbound configuration records to connect NetSuite to the bank servers and initiate the payment file downloads. You must have an Administrator role or Set Up role to configure the records.
To setup a new Inbound Configuration record:
Go to SFTP > SFTP Records > Inbound Configurations.
From the Inbound Configuration List page, click New Inbound Configuration.
In the Name field, enter the name of the bank server.
In the Remote URL field, enter the URL of the SFTP server.
Note:You must enter the URL without the protocol https:// and must not include a specified path to the SFTP folder.
Enter the port of the SFTP server in the Port field.
The port must be provided by the SFTP owner.
In the Host Key Type field, enter any of the following host key types.
In the Host Key field, enter the host key of the bank’s server. The host key must be provided by the SFTP owner. You can cross check the Host Key by using the ssh-keyscan -t rsa -p <port number> <URL> command in power shell for Windows and in terminal for Mac operating systems.
From the Authentication Method list, Select any of the following methods.
Username / Password:
When you select this method, you can enter a user name in the Username field and click the Set Password button. In the Set Password pop-up window, enter a password in the Password field and click Submit to save.
If your password changes or you save an incorrect password, you can recreate it by changing from the Set Password pop-up window.
Certificate / SSH key:
When you select this method, a Certificate field appears from which you can select a previously saved certificate or SSH key.
Only the following SSH keys are supported. To know more about saving SSH private key in NetSuite, see Uploading Private SSH Keys.
Only the following digital certificates are supported. To know more about saving a certificate in NetSuite, see Uploading Digital Certificates.
To create the Certificate/SSH key, use the ssh-keygen -m PEM -t rsa command.
To generate p12 format certificate, use the openssl pkcs12 -export -in <filename.txt> -out <filename.p12> command.
To generate PEM format certificate, use the cat test.key publicKey.cer > digCert.pem command
Note:To run openssl command you can use the cmder tool.
Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) – When you select this method, you can enter a Username and click the Set Password button. In the Set Password pop-up window, enter a Password and click Submit to save the password. In the Certificate /SSH field, select a supported certificate or SSH key.
You must enable MFA as an authentication method at the bank server before using it in the SFTP Connector SuiteApp.
Important:The SFTP test connection and file download fails, if the username, password, certificate or SSH key you enter is invalid.
In the Inbound Mapping subtab, add the appropriate information in the following columns:
Inbound Folder Mapping Name – Enter the name of a folder mapping.
Bank Folder – For Processing – Enter the bank folder path provided by your bank to download the files to the file cabinet folder. If you do not have the bank folder path then you must enter slash,/ to download the files from the root folder.
Bank Folder -Processed – Enter the path of the bank server folder to move the processed files to the file cabinet.
Note:If you do not have delete and upload permissions, you must leave this field blank.
Folder ID – Enter the ID of the folder that stores the downloaded files.
Click Save.
Guidelines for Creating an Inbound Configuration Record
When you save a record for the first time, you must test the connection of the inbound configuration record. To test the connection click Edit next to the record and click the Test Connection button. A confirmation message appears if the test connection is successful. During the connection test, files are not downloaded to the SFTP server.
When you save a record after a successful connection test, the Inbound – Manual and Inbound – Schedule buttons are displayed on the Inbound Configuration page. To know more about the functions of these buttons see Manual Payment File Download and Schedule Payment File Download.
If the connection test is unsuccessful, then an error message appears displaying the link to the Suitelet script. Click on the this link to go to the Suitelet script deployment under execution log. Here, you will find detailed information on the connection failure.
You can download files by using the following file formats. You can also download the files without an extension.
If you have Delete and Upload permissions and if the processed and processing folders have the same file name, then the file name is appended with _1. The files are downloaded after the file name is renamed.
If you do not have the Delete and Upload permissions and if the processing and NetSuite folders have the same file name, then the file name is appended with _1. The files are downloaded after the file name is renamed.
Related Topics
- SFTP Connector SuiteApp
- Setting Up the SFTP Connector SuiteApp
- Roles and Permissions for SFTP Connector SuiteApp
- SFTP Connector Limitations
- Creating SFTP Connector Folders in NetSuite File Cabinet
- Setting Up Outbound Configuration Records
- Encryption and Decryption Using Node Forge
- Setting Up Decryption Configuration Records
- SFTP Connector Error Codes