Troubleshooting Order or Fulfillment Sync Errors in NetSuite Connector

If you get an error with order or fulfillment sync in NetSuite Connector, hover over the order row to see the error details.

If you are not clear how to resolve the error, either search SuiteAnswers or the help center documentation with relevant keywords to find the solution. The following table lists some common error messages that users get and related help topic for finding the resolution. If you require further assistance, contact NetSuite Connector Support.

Error Message

Related Topic

Shipment method hasn't been mapped. Please map this order's shipment method or view/edit all of your shipment methods.

Mapping Order Shipment Methods in NetSuite Connector

Payment method hasn't been mapped. Please map this order's payment method or view/edit all of your payment methods.

Mapping Order Payment Methods in NetSuite Connector

NetSuite is reporting that shipment method with internal ID # isn't valid. Please double-check that this shipment method is valid and that it's allowed for this customer.

Troubleshooting NetSuite Connector Shipping Method Errors

ERROR: INVALID_KEY_OR_REF -Invalid paymentmethod reference key.

Troubleshooting NetSuite Connector Invalid Payment Method Errors

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