Troubleshooting NetSuite Connector Invalid Payment Method Errors

When you use an invalid payment method to sync an order, NetSuite Connector displays the error message, ERROR: INVALID_KEY_OR_REF -Invalid paymentmethod <reference_key>. The reference key in the error message is the internal ID of the invalid payment method in NetSuite.

To fix this error, you need to search the NetSuite record for the payment method, then investigate what causes the issue.

The following procedure applies only for the Payment Method field. These steps may not be applicable for the Payment Option field, which replaces the Payment Method field when you enable the Payment Instruments feature in NetSuite.

To troubleshoot the invalid payment method error:

NetSuite Connector cannot always identify why NetSuite rejects other payment methods. You may need to investigate and make the necessary adjustments in NetSuite. If you can enter the order manually using the payment method in question, NetSuite Connector should be able to send orders to NetSuite using the same payment method.

  1. Go to Setup > Accounting > Accounting Lists. You can also use the NetSuite global search and enter Page: Payment Methods to go to the same page.

  2. Find the invalid payment method based on the reference key in the error message. This number should match the NetSuite internal ID.

    If the internal ID column is missing on the page, you might need to set the Show Internal IDs preference first. To learn more, read Viewing Internal IDs in NetSuite.

  3. Edit and save the record without any changes. If NetSuite requires you to provide additional details, enter the required information before you save the record. Then, try to sync the order again.

  4. If the sync still fails, try to recreate the order in NetSuite manually. Make sure you have the same information in the following fields:

    • Customer

    • Subsidiary

    • Shipping Address

    • Items

    • Payment Method

    When you recreate the order, check if the payment method is missing from the dropdown list. If the payment method is available as an option, NetSuite will display an error if you try to save the order with the invalid payment method.

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